Friday, March 8, 2024

Billy Bow Legs Cut.

 Here I am anchored... Did I hear a woman call out last night in some dread .... Of 200 years ago or simply a night Heron?

The dream of the EERIE Family then came... You were standing there nodding finally in agreement that yes... I there was something noteworthy or at least entertaining going on.

You opened the old pouch and inside did find the family Crest.

The work in the past was equally as EERIE... 3 children in a row all born prodigy's.....

All wading in agreements and understanding.

Then the subtribes came... With their ponderabilities...the MUSPA to the Seminole of Oklahoma... Under their umbrella.

What were they? A people to slave?

I was feeling way more then presently meets the eye here.

The making do trip....yes that trip I'm on.

The why denied imposed upon a people's by another here a Billy BOWLEGS crossing, pass or cut.

Delve deeply here the markers of Billy BOWLEGS.... 

A family cunning.

A what and who's causes we allow ourselves to become involved in?

The enhanced into a prodigy...

Perhaps the Heavens Know?

Did gravity just find it way to Earth?

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Rodriguez Key

 Where to what island under a question mark sky?

The lay over before crossing the can be mighty Gulf Stream.

The code of the Mariner of Olde.


Where the ancient Mariner lay to.

The before crossing place.

Rodriguez Key.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Urges and desires

 Urges and Desires....

Hey Tom... Just steer your story back. Ok?

Soar Magazine will scoop it UP!

Feed the alligators...

They eat too.

Friday, October 6, 2023

The Tropic Air Motel

 It was up at the North East end of town on the Gulf side... I was waiting for friends across the street at the fancy place...seems they had some how lost track of me..... Hell with it  I thought...I'll catch the bus back down Key's I figured...

Sandowski Blvd  area Vaca Key Florida: As I rode by on my bicycle... getting that recommended  needed exercise... A very old man named Efram hailed me from outside his ground level motel ...and invited me into the office...they were wrecking out one of the rooms and had come across an old vinyl encased menu from numerous years a turquoise color border ... He was wanting to show me .  I said I  remembered Howard Johnson's.... Steak and eggs were $10.00 then ...and that was a lot!

I askeff  Efram what year was the motel built....1958 he said... I was elated...same year as my birth...I said aloud.

His son was there sitting in a swivel chair... round faced Late 20's black thinning hair... Male pattern baldness... Square framed black plastic glasses cordial enough but not saying much...

It seemed the old man Efram was wanting me to some how recapture nostalgia and combine it with the refurbished....  Then upon my asking Named various people of notarity that had been guests over the years there now gone by.  I was running late and feared missing the bus... I turned to him and said maybe  hopefully I will see you again and we can speak further.

Leaving I rode off for the bus stop.

Still on the lookout for my so called friends.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Mamey are comming into season.

 The black wall........ with the phases of the moon,  to the right is the faux portal and above to the  far right hang the as of yet unripened Mamey........ out of reach.....

A compound... a sanctuary within confines..... cracked decking..... shows the age...the gentle downwards slope from pools edge...

Cats stroll about........

A world away...... includes breakfast.....

Snake plants, Dracaneas , Christmas palms... Thatch palms...

Here in  a bowl  sits on  the jungles floor.....

A yellow butterfly passes over...

The Mamey are coming into season.

Monday, May 22, 2023

My dream was...

 I was in a big old house with lots of rooms... every thing was wet , moldy and ruined for the most part....but you could see how elaborate and beautiful and fancy it all once was..... It had all seen better days... My dream was.....

Friday, August 13, 2021

Page 1 of the DA journal

 You don't have a program unless you have assholes that go along with the program.

Epiphany along some deserted stretch of highway out West.